Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the U.S., known for being the first president to represent the ordinary people.
Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the U.S., known for being the first president to represent the ordinary people.
After the Louisiana Purchase, the size of the U.S. doubled. This increased the opportunity for settlers to move west, but the issue of slavery became bigger in Congress. At the time, the number of slave states was equal to the number of free states. Therefore, any new state would make the balance unequal.
James M. served as the fourth president of the U.S. and served two terms. His wife Dolley was considered an intelligent woman
The War of 1812, fought between the U.S. and Great Britain, is considered the war that confirms that the U.S. is independent of Britain.
Zebulon Pike, is best known for discovering Pike’s Peak in the Colorado mountain Pike also assisted in the charting of the Louisiana Territory.
Doubling the size of the U.S. provided more opportunities for poor families, but the territory needed to be explored and mapped first.
In 1803, The French presented the US with an opportunity to purchase the Louisiana territory.
Thomas Jefferson the third president of the United States, is considered a philosopher more than a politician. He was also a husband, father, writer, reader, and many other things. He is remembered for many things like the treaty of Tripoli, the Louisiana Purchase, and writing the first draft of the Declaration of independence. He also built the University of Virginia.