
What are the three basic layers of the skin? The three basic layers of the skin are the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. Did you know that the hypodermis layer contains 50% of body fat? Did you know that the dermis contains hair roots, sebaceous


Beaks help birds to do what? Beaks help bird eat, build nests, peck their enemies, and climb trees? Beaks are strong and hard or soft and weak? Beaks are strong and hard. Beaks are hollow inside or there is meet and things like that? Beaks


What are the functions of claws? Claws help many animals keep their balance and get a firm grip when they walk or run. Did you know that sometimes animals use their claws as combs and to scratch when it itchy? Marmots use its claws to


Are the fishes with split tail swim faster than others? Yes, the split tail make it swim faster. The fish with broad or small fish and wide, squarish tail are called what? They are lazy swimmers. The lazy swimmer’s fish are good at what? They