Did you know that everything is mad up from Elements? How many elements are there in the world? There are 180 elements in the world. What are the parts of an atom? Electron, Proton, and Neutron are the parts of an atom. Did you know
Did you know that everything is mad up from Elements? How many elements are there in the world? There are 180 elements in the world. What are the parts of an atom? Electron, Proton, and Neutron are the parts of an atom. Did you know
What are the seven main kingdoms of life? The seven kingdoms are animals, plants, fungi, algae, protozoans, bacteria, and archeae. What is the definition of the Animal Kingdom? This kingdom is made up of many species including mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and many others. What are
الهنود الحمر يعرفون أيضًا باسم الأمريكيون الأصليون. الهنود الأمريكيون يطلقون عليهم هذا الاسم من قبل كريستوفر كولومبس. الهنود الحمر هم السكان الأصليون للأمريكيتان قبل عصر كريستوفر كولمبس، سُمُّوا بالهنود الحمر؛ لأن كريستوفر كولومبس ظن خطأ أنه في الهند عندما اكتشفها. على مر آلاف الأعوام، ظل
المقدمة هناك أشياء كثير في الحياة، من خلال ملاحظات ودراسات الحيوانات. Ultra cane اكتشفنا الـ Ultra cane من خلال ملاحظة الخفافيش. هذا الجهاز للمكفوفين. يعمل هذا الجهاز من خلال الـ echolocation مثل الخفافيش. Sharklet بدأنا تجربة الـsharklet من خلال ملاحظتنا سمك القرش. نحتاج الsharklet في
تزايدت أعداد الببر البنغالي في دولة نيبال. لكن بأي ثمن؟ ساهمت الدول التي يعيش فيها الببر في اجتماع هام في سنة 2010 لإنقاذ الببر. قامت نيبال بتنفيذ الاتفاق وتزايدت أعداد الببر إلى الضعف بالدولة. لكن كان هناك مشكلة أخرى تواجهها. السكان الذين يعيشون قرب محميات
Did you know that earth is the third planet for the sun? How many layers are in earth including the curst? There are three layers in earth including the crust. What are the names of the three layers of earth? The crust, Mantle, and Core
When will a chemical reaction happen? A chemical reaction happens when atoms from different elements react with each other, and new compound formed. What is the meaning of a compound? Compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements joined by chemical
What is the gender of Harriet Tubman? The gender of Harriet Tubman is a female. When was she born? She was born around 1822. Where was she born? She was born in Maryland. Why don’t she know her birth date? She doesn’t know her birth
What did Mis. Corie determined about when she was young? She was determined about science when she was young. Did you know that at her time girls weren’t expected to become scientist? What is her father’s job? Her father’s job is a Biologist teacher. Did
What was the characteristics in Amelia Earhart? She was a girl who loved adventures, and never let someone stop her from trying new things. Did you know that she never gives up on her dreams? Do you know that when she was young, she did