AI (Artificial Intelligence)

1. AI makes life more enjoyable and convenient for most people. 2. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to be used as a weapon both for physical damage and for technological damage like computer viruses. 3. Al can improve working spaces safety. For example, we can

Kids Learning Online

1. By learning online, kids don’t have to travel from place to place to study. 2. In-person classrooms are safer for kids, because many online lessons don’t have parental supervision. In-person classrooms at least have an adult near the students who are learning. 3. Online

Animal drug testing

1. It is harmful to force animals to use drugs and makeup, because there are often negative side effects. 2. No humans will be harmed if we experiment on animals instead. 3. Animal testing can also benefit animals themselves. For example, if we test a

Banned Books

1. People can write anything they want inside books, but some of those ideas are dangerous. Children especially should not be allowed to read such dangerous or violent ideas. 2. Some books are banned because there is war depicted in it, or the president is

Three-day weekend

1. If we take a three day weekend, there is lower productivity at work. 2. Work-life balance is very important. People need to spend a fair amount of free time outside of work to keep their mental health in good condition. Three day weekends will

TV for Kids

1. Watching TV will damage reading skills and language development. 2. Kids experience a huge variety of voices, faces, songs, and words when they watch TV. They see much more than what their parents can show them at home. So it is valuable for kids


1. The Bible states very clearly that God created man and woman in the Garden of Eden. Since the Bible was written during human history, we must believe that the stories in are true. 2. Humans are not able to create real living cells from

Communist vs Democratic

1. Democracies conduct free and fair elections. 2. In a communist society, all people are equal. There is no difference between people due to race or gender or any other characteristic. 3. With global warming and other environmental problems, resources are getting scarcer. For example,

Sex Education in School

1. Learning about sexual education at home results in kids engaging in less risky activity. 2. It creates a better relationship between children and their parents. 3. Sex education is just human biology. We learn biology for plants and animals, so we may as well

Video games

1. When kids spend too much time playing video games, they reduce the amount of exercise they get. So, too much video games has been linked to obesity in kids. 2. Games can help kids study, and some teachers even use them to improve test