كيف بدأ الصراع بين فلسطين والصهاينة

الحكاية بدأت في عام 1917، في هذا العام اقترح السياسي (آثر جيمس بلفر) اقتراحا سيئا، اسمه وعد بلفر الذي يحل مشكلة الإنجليز مع اليهود وينقل اليهود إلى فلسطين. إذ تتسائل لماذا اختار السياسيون دولة فلسطين من كل دول العالم فالإجابة مدهشة، كان هناك اقتراحات كثيرة


Markdown was invented by John Gruber, a well-known writer and software developer, in collaboration with Aaron Swartz, an American computer programmer, writer, and internet activist.

GitHub Contributors JavaScript Library Documentation

The GitHub Contributors JavaScript library provides an easy way to display a list of contributors for a GitHub repository on your website. The library offers various display modes, including grid, slideshow, and list. This document will guide you through the usage and features of the library.

History of Samsung

Hello 🙂 In this article we will talk about the History of Samsung. Dive into Samsung’s evolution from a humble grocery store inception in 1938 to a trailblazing global conglomerate. Explore their iconic Galaxy series, pioneering semiconductor dominance, and commitment to sustainability.

Leaders of Freedom

Many people, fought for the end of slavery. Fedrick Douglas and Sojourner Truth were tow famous abolitionists. They both knew how horrible slavery is, since they were also slaves.

Samuel Morse Invents the Telegraph

Samuel Morse studied art as a young man. And attended Yale and studied art in London. After graduation and studying art, he tried to make money by selling his art, but unfortunately, he couldn’t make enough money.