John F. Kennedy
When was John F. Kennedy born?
He was born on May 26, 1917.
Where was John F. Kennedy born?
He was born in Brookline, Massachusetts.
When was John F. Kennedy die?
He died on November 22, 1963.
What is the cause of death?
He was assassinated.
Where did John F. Kennedy get assassinated?
He got assassinated in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza
Who was John F. Kennedy?
He is the 35th president of the United States.
Who is John F. Kennedy’s vice president?
The vice president was Lydon B. Johnson.
Did you know that John F. Kennedy was a proponent of speed reading?
How many words can John F. Kennedy say per minute?
He can say 1,200 words per minute.
Do you know that he was the second of nine children?
Who were his parents?
They were Joseph and Rose Kennedy.
Did you know that John F. Kennedy was sick?
What is John F. Kennedy’s nickname?
His nickname was JFK.
What was JFK diagnosed with?
He was diagnosed with an endocrine disorder called Addison’s disease.
When did JFK join the U.S. Navy?
He joined it in 1941.
What happened to JFK after he joined the Navy 2 years later?
He was sent to the south pacific.
What happened in 1943?
A Japanese destroyer struct their boat.
When did JFK’s brother die?
He died in 1944.
How did JFK’s brother die?
He died when his navy airplane exploded.