Stephan halking

When was Stephan born?

He was born on January 8, 1942.

When did Stephan die?

He died March 14, 2018.

How old was Stephan when he passed away?

He was 76.

Where is Stephan Hawking hometown?

His hometown is Oxford.

Where is Oxford?

Oxford is in England.

Did you know that he grew up in a house where education was very important?

Where did Stephan’s parents’ study?

They studied in Oxford University.

What did they do on dinner?

They often spent dinner in silence reading books.

How did Stephan and his friend build a computer?

They built it using old clock parts and other recycling things.

What was Stephan’s nickname?

His nickname was ‘Einstein’.

When did Stephan go to Oxford University?

He went there at the age of 17.

What did Stephan study in college?

He studied physics and chemistry.

When was Stephan diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND)?

He was diagnosed when he was 21

What did the doctors say?

They said that he only had two years to live, but that wasn’t true.

What did he use after he got diagnosed to get around?

He walked in sticks and crutches, but as his illness got worse, he had to use an electric wheelchair to get around.

Did you know that Stephen made many important contributions?

Did Stephan develop theories?

Yes, he did.

Did Stephan always keen for his work to be accessible to everyone, not just scientist?

Yes, he did.

What theories did Stephan Hawking developed?

He developed theories about not the world began and furthered our understanding of black holes, stars, and the universe.

How did Stephan keen his work for everyone?

He wrote books that explained his theories in simple terms for everyone to understand, including a children’s book.

What is the most famous book?

A Brief History of Time is the most famous.

How many copies of A Brief History of Time sold?

It sold 10 million copies.

Did you know that Stephan developed a life-threatening infection?

When did Stephan developed the life-threatening infection?

He developed it 1985.

How did the infection affect him?

It made him unable to talk.

How did he talk after the accident?

He talked by a special computer.

Did Stephan receive many awards?

Yes, he did.

Why did Stephan receive many awards?

He received them for his work.

Did you know that Stephen is remembered as an inspiration to many people?