Black holes

When was the big bang?

It was about 13.7 billion years ago.

Where did spacce begin?

It began 60 miles above the Earth.

How many planets are in our solar system?

There are 8 planets.

How many moons are in our solar system?

There are 165 moons.

What are the things that orbit the sun?

The sun is orbitted by billions of astroids, comets, planets and kiuper belt objects.

What is the first artificial satellite?

Sputnik is the first artificial satellite.

When was Sputnik launched?

It was lanched in 1957.

How many peoeple have flown to space since 1961?

500 people.

What is a blackhole?

It is a region of space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape.

What is the temprature of the center of the sun?

The tempratue in the center of the sun is 15,000,000c°.

Do you know that at the center of the Milkey Way there is a blackhole?

Is black holes invisible?


Did you know that there is a black hole in the middle of most galaxies?