Malala Youssefzai
Where was Malala Yousafzai born?
She was born in Mingora.
When was Malala Yousafzai born?
She was born in July 12, 1997.
Where is Mingora?
It is in Pakistan.
Who are Malala’s parents?
Ziauddin Yousafzai, Toor Pekai Yousafzai
Which subjects did Malala love in school?
She loved history and geography and science.
Did she love studying religion?
Yes, she love studying religreon.
When did Malala get married?
She got married on November 10, 2021.
who is malala married to?
His name is Asser Malik.
when did malala get shot?
She got shot in October 2012
Who shot malala?
A taliban shot malala.
Where did malala get shot?
She got shot in her little school bus.
Which Noble Prize did malala win?
She won the Peace Noble Prize.
when did malala get her Nobel Prize?
She got her Nobel Prize in 2014.