Natural disasters
What shapes our planet?
The forces of nature shapes our planet.
What accured throughout history?
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsnamis and hurricanes have accured through out history.
What riminds us that we are small and valnerable?
The natural forces remind us.
How do the natural forces remind us that we are small and valnerable?
It reminds us by it’s unpredictable wild anger.
What is “The Great Dying”?
It is worst mass extinction in earth’s history.
When was The Great Dying?
It was 252 million years ago, just before the age of dinosaurs.
What is the cause of The Great Dying?
The cause of it is a mystery.
How much of the planet’s speacies vanished in The Great Dying?
95% of the planet’s speacies vanishd in The Great Dying.
What is the cause of the dinosaur extinction?
An astroid at least 10 km wide hit the yucatan peninsula in central america blasting rocks into the sky blocking the sky and sunlight for years.
Did you know that all types dinosuars died in the dinosuars extinction except birds?
When was the dinosaurs extionction?
It was 60 million years ago.
Where was the Toba Supervolcano?
It was in Sumatra.
When was the Toba Supervolcano?
It was 74,000 BCE.
What is the largest volcanic eruption in the last 25 million years?
The Toba Super volcano is the largest volcanic eruption in the past 25 million years.
What is the effects of the Tuba Super volcano?
It cooled the earth’s climate for upto 10 years.
Why was the Greek Island of Thera destroyed?
It was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption.
When was the Greek Island of Thera destroyed?
It was destroyed c. 1640 BCE.
Did you know that the city “Akrotiri” is burried under ashes?
How can the eruption devastate surronding islands?
It could devastate them because the eruption triggers tsunamies and earthquakes.
Where is mount Vesuvius?
It is in Italy.
What happened when mount vesevius erupt?
It burried the town of Pompeii in ashes and kill many people.
When was the vesevius eruption?
It was in 79 CE.
When was the deadliest earthquake?
It was in 1556.
Where was the deadlieast earthquake?
It was in northern china.
How many did the earthquake kill?
It killed 850,000.
Why is the death toll very high?
It is very high because the traditional dwelling in the area are artificial caves excavated from lose.
When did the catastrophic earthquake hit Lisbon?
It hit Lisbon in 1775.
Did you know that Lisbon is almost demolished and 60,000 people are killed.
Where is Mount Tambura?
It is in indonisia.
When did Mount Tambura erupt?
It erupted in 1815.
How did the Mount Tambura eruption effect on earth?
It lowered the earth’s global temperatures cng a mass starvation.
How did the Mount Tambura eruption effect the Global temperatures?
It effacted them by expelling dust clouds .
Who experienced a year without summer?
Europe and North america experienced a year without summer.
Where is coringa?
It is on in the coast of india.
When did the hurricane hit Coringa?
It hit Coringa in 1839
What is the effects of the hurricane?
It caused a disastrus storm suge, raising sea levels and submering the land with wea water.
When was the prolonged drought in china?
It was in 1876.
How long was the prolonged drought?
It was 3 year drought.
How many people died from starvation in the prolonged drought?
About 10 percent of the local population died in the prolonged drought.
When was the loudest eruption?
The loudest eruption was in 1883.
Where was the loudest eruption?
It was in krakatoa.
Where is krakatoa?
It is in Indonesia
How much of the land was destroyed?
Tow-Thirds of the island was destroyed?
How many people died in the loudest eruption?
More than 35,000 people died.
When was the earthquake of san francisco?
It was in 1906.
How many people died in the san francisco earthquake?
3,000 people died in it.
When was the dieadliest tornado in the US?
It was in 1925.
How many people died in the deadliest tornado?
695 people died in it.
How many homes were destroyed?
15,000 homes were destroyed.
Did you know that in 1931 heavy rains in china caused 3 major rivers to flood?
How many people died in the china floods?
Between 1 million and 4 million in them.
Where was the most powerful earthquake?
The most powerful earthquake was in chile.
When was the most powerful earthquake?
It was in chile.
How did the chile earthquake last?
It lasted 10 minutes.
How many people were killed in the earthquake?
2 million ppeople were killed in it.
What was the dammage to other cuntries?
It caused tsunamis to Haweii, Japan, and the Philippinese.
When was the Asian tsnami?
It was in 2004.
How many people were killed in the Asian tsnami?
280,000 people were killed.