Plague and Epidemics
What is the meaning of the word “plague”?
It means a bacterial disease.
What is the meaning of the word “epidemic”?
It means a widespread disease all over the world at a particular time.
When were there many uncontrollable diseases in the world?
There were many uncontrollable diseases before the importance of cleanliness and hygiene were fully understood.
Did you know that there are several illnesses that remained problematic?
When did diseases start to spread?
They started to spread as people started moving into towns, and villages.
What happened between 430-427 BCE?
The city of Athens was hit by a plague.
How many people lost their lives in the Athens’s plague?
30,000 people lost their lives in the Athens’s plague.
What is the name of the roman plague?
Its name is “Antonine” from Marcus Aurelius Antonius.
Who is Marcus Aurelius Antonius?
He was the ruler at the time.
Do you know that experts believe that the Antonine plague was just smallpox?
When was the Antonine Plague?
It was between 165 – 180 CE.
Where was the Justinian plague?
It was in Istanbul.
Did you know that the Justinian plague killed 40 % of the population of Istanbul?
Did you know that the Justinian plague had been carried by rats coming from Egypt on grain ships?
Where was theb bubonic plague first reported?
It was first reported in China
When was the first bubonic plague reported?
It was reported in 1334.
What are the symtoms of the bubonic plague?
The symtoms are bleeding sores, high temperatures and vomiting, leading to rapid and painful death.
What is bleeding sores?
Bleeding sores happen when there’s too much acid or not enough mucus.
Did you know that the bubonic plague whiped out half of the population in europe?
What is a synonym for the bobunic plague?
The synonym is the black death.
Did you know that the new world was invaded by spanish and portoguels explores, local people are exposed new diseases?
Did you know that smallpox killed many millions in mexico?
Do you know that the great plague of london killed 100,000 people?
Do you know that as the city is rebuilt following the Great Fire a year later?
Do you know that the bubonic plague hit europe twice?
When did the bubonic plague hit europe in the second time?
It was started in 1720 and ended in 1722.
Where did the bobunic plague hit europe in the second time?
It hit europe in france.
Did you know that plague doctores wore beacked masks containing herbs and flowers?
Why did plague doctors wore beacked masks containing herbs and flowers?
The wore them because they believed that the herbs and flowers would restrict conntact with the disease.
When was the cholera pandemic?
It was in 1829.
What is the cause of the cholera pandemic?
They drank water polluted with sewag and cholera bacteria.
Where did the cholera pandemic began?
It began in india.
When did doctors started to use carbolic acid?
They started using it in the 1860s.
Why did doctors start to use carbolic acid?
They started using it to kill bacteria in wounds.
When was the Spanish flu?
It was in 1918.
What is the Spanish flu?
It is a strain of influenza.
Did you know that the Spanish flu was more deadly than the black death?
What is the name of the first antibiotic?
It is penicilin.
Who discovered the first antibiotic?
Alexander Fleming discovered it?
Is Ebola a fast-spreading virus?
Yes, Ebola is a fast-soreading virus.
Did you know that Ebola was a 3-year epidemic?
What is AIDS?
AIDS is an unkown disease that destroys the immune system.
What is the cause of AIDS?
Humans are the cause of AIDS.
Did you know that malaria is a killer disease?
Do you know that mosquitos spread maleria?
How many people die because of malaria every year?
2 million people die every year.