Harriet Tubman
What is the gender of Harriet Tubman?
The gender of Harriet Tubman is a female.
When was she born?
She was born around 1822.
Where was she born?
She was born in Maryland.
Why don’t she know her birth date?
She doesn’t know her birth date because she was enslaved.
What does the word enslave mean?
Enslave means the people that are enslaved were forced to work hard without pay and were treated terribly.
When she started working?
She started working when she was around six years old?
What will happen if you didn’t work?
If you didn’t work, you will get in real trouble.
When has she started to work every day outdoors?
She has started to work every day outdoors every day when she was twelve.
When she got married?
She was twenty-tow when she got married, she changed her name to Harriet Tubman.
When did she die?
She died on March 10, 1913.
Where did she die?
She died in Auburn, New York.
Who did she marry?
She married Jhon Tubman around 1844, and then Married Nelson Davis in 1869.
When she got injured?
She got injured in 1833.
Where did she escaped?
She escaped to Phila Delphi.
When did she escaped?
She escaped in 1849.
Did she have other names?
Yes, she had two other names.
What are the two other names?
The other two names are Minty, and Moses.