Amelia Earhart

What was the characteristics in Amelia Earhart?

She was a girl who loved adventures, and never let someone stop her from trying new things.

Did you know that she never gives up on her dreams?

Do you know that when she was young, she did not like to play with dolls, or wear dresses, even though her parents forced her to play with dolls and wear dresses, but she did not agree?

When did she and her sister decided to build their own roller costar?

She was seven-year-old when she and her sister decided to build their own roller costar.

When did her dad took her to meet Frank Hawks?

She was twenty years old when her dad took her to meet Franks Hawks.

Did you know that she worked hard and harder … to get her flying lessons?

Did you know that she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean with herself?

Do you know that she broke the record flying crossing the Atlantic Ocean faster than any mand or woman?

Did you know that she broke the woman’s altitude record in October 1922?

Do you know that in July 1930, I set a speed record of over 181 MPH.

When did she disappeared?

She disappeared in 1937.

What is her full name?

Her full name is Amelia Mary Earhart.

Did you know that she disappeared during a flight?

Did her parents accept her to be a pilot?

No, her parents did not accept her to be a pilot, but she did it anyway.

Why were her parents as stubborn as a rock?

Her parents were stubborn because they did not want to break the law, even though Amelia broke The law anyway and broke many records.