
What are the three basic layers of the skin?

The three basic layers of the skin are the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis.

Did you know that the hypodermis layer contains 50% of body fat?

Did you know that the dermis contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels?

Where is the dermis located?

The dermis is located above the hypodermis and beneath the epidermis.

Where is the epidermis located?

The epidermis is located above the dermis.

Where is the hypodermis located?

The hypodermis is located beneath the dermis.

Did you know that on your skin there is oil, but you don’t feel it?

Do you know that the skin helps the prey hide from the predator?

How does the skin help the prey hide from the predator?

The skin helps the prey hide by make camouflage.

What is camouflage?

Camouflage means to hide by the color for example if an arctic fox wants to hide it would hide in the snow because its fur is the same color as the snow.

Do you know any animals make camouflage to hide?

What are the types of skin?

The types of skin are thick, thin, tough, tender, and soft.

Did you know that lizards change their skin from time to time?

Do you know that reptiles have dray scaly skin?

Did you know that animals use their skin in a number of ways?

Did you know that the decorate crab is good at pretending something else?

Why there are spots and stripes on leopards and tigers?

They have the stripe and spots to look like shadow from the sun.

Do you know that some animals pick the color of their coat for the season?

Did you know that the polar bears have thick, oily fur to keep water out and a layer of fat to keep the heat in?

The snowshoe hare chose which coat in the summer?

It chose brown coat in the summer.

The snowshoe hare chose which coat in the winter?

It chose white coat in the winter.

Did you know that animals can be great mimics?

What do a hedgehog do if it is attacked?

It will roll into a spike ball.

How do marine toads protect themselves?

They have poison glands on their skin.

What will happen if an animal manages to scoop the lizard into his mouth?

The lizard will spray a stream of blood from the corners of its eye and the blood taste terrible.

Did you know that the snake can be on a tree and its body in the air?

Did you know that the greater glider has flaps of skin between its wrists and ankles.