Polar Animals Adaptation

  1. What does polar adaptations mean?

Polar adaptations mean polar animals have special ways to stay warm and find food in their snowy homes.

  • What are the differences between the bottom coat and the top coat of a polar animal?

The differences between the bottom coat and top coat are that the top coat is shaggy and log, and the bottom coat is soft and warm.

  • What animal has the warmest coat of any mammal?

The warmest coat of any animal is the arctic fox.

  • Why is the skin of a polar bear black?

Because the dark color is the best at holding heat.

  • Why do snowy owls change feather colors by the season?

Because their white winter feathers match the snow, and brown summer feathers match plants and rocks.

  • How many lemmings could an adult owl eat?

An adult owl could eat five lemmings.

  • What kind of feathers do penguin chicks have to keep them warm?

They have fuzzy down feathers to keep them warm.

  • What kind of feathers do penguin adults have to keep them warm?

They have waterproof feathers to keep them warm.

  • Why do penguins adults have water proof feathers?

Because they hunt in the icy ocean.

  1. Why do ptarmigans have fuzzy feather?

They have fuzzy feathers because they walk on the cold tandra.

  1. What is the meaning of blubber?

A blubber is the layer of the fat.

  1. How thick is the blubber of a bow head whale?

A bowhead whale is about 18 inches thick.

  1. Why do polar animals have short ears?

Because longer ears would get too cold and suffer frostbite.

  1. Why are arctic hares are bigger the other hares?

Because their large body size holds in heat.

  1. Why do most polar animals have big feet?

They have big feet to help them walk on snow without sinking.

  1. Why do reindeers have wide hooves?

Wide hooves are also good for walking on snow.

  1. Why do walruses have tusks?

They have their tusks to climb out of the water, chop holes in the ice, and fight.

  1. Are walruses mammals?
  2. What are the other marine animals do you know?
  3. Did you know that Atlantic cods make their own antifreeze?
  4. Do you know an animal that it’s heart and breathing stop when they are freeze then in the summer, they are good as new?

The wood frog.

  • Did you know that an arctic ground squirrel can hibernate up to eight months?
  • What is the meaning of behavioral adaption?

A behavioral adaptation is something an animal does – how it acts – usually in response to some type of external condition.

  • what are the 4 types of behavioral adaptation?

There are migration, hibernation, dormancy, camouflage.

  • What is the meaning of “migration”?

The meaning of migration is seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.

  • What is the meaning of “hibernation”?

The meaning of hibernation is the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state.

  • What is the meaning of “dormancy”?

The meaning of dormancy is the state of having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time, deep sleep.

  • What is the meaning of “camouflage”?

The meaning of camouflage is the natural coloring or form of an animal which enables it to blend in with its surroundings.