Beauty Pageants
Argument 1: Beauty pageants can lead to a whole host of mental issues. They can become depressed.
- Yes, girls in beauty pageants can suffer from mental issues. However, it is not the fault of the beauty pageant. It might be the fault of their parents for putting too much pressure on them, or the other girls for not being so nice to them.
- If she doesn’t want the job, she might do anything to get out of it, even if she has to vanish or run away from her home.
- If that is the case, she doesn’t need to quit the beauty pageant. Instead, she needs to consult with her family to get support.
- What if she hates beauty pageants, but someone with more power is forcing her with words, law, or physical threats?
Argument 2: Beauty pageants are a wonderful way for young girls to meet other girls around their age and make good friendships.
- They could make friends at school, coffee shops or other places, or even on social media and dating apps like tinder.
- In those cases, you don’t know if the girls have similar interests or hobbies. If you meet at the pageant, you have something in common, and can build a stronger friendship.
- What is the girl hates beauty pageants and beauty, but she must go there for some private reason.
Argument 3: Girls have too much pressure to keep their weight down, so they stop eating or throw up after they eat.
- Again, like the mental issues, which is not the fault of the pageant. The pressure comes from other people, like their overbearing parents.
- But what if no one is pressuring her, and she does that because she wants to look good on the stage?
- In that case, her parents should remove her from the pageant. Beauty pageants are not for every girl. However, it is good for many girls. The girls who can handle the pressure should participate.
- What if someone is forcing her, even if he or she knows that she is sick and doesn’t eat? Or, he could be the one who doesn’t give her food, and for some reason she can’t go out without him.
Argument 4: Pageants make girls work very hard outside of school. It helps them become disciplined and hard working.
- The girls might work hard, but they are also being bullied.
- Pageants are like playing a sport like baseball or basketball. It requires you to work hard, stay in good shape, and be responsible about your food and time.
- Being on a sports team or in another activity is safer than being in a pageant.
Argument 5: According to a scientific study, 26% of girls reported having an eating disorder that started around age 16.25 years.
- Every year 2.5 million women around the world say that they want to participate in a beauty pageant. If that is the case, it must be a good experience for them.
- Many women participate in beauty contests at the highest levels for the opportunity to win large scholarships and cash prizes. They are participating for the prizes, not because they like pageants.
Argument 6: Even if pageants aren’t fun, they could be like a job for these girls because they can make some money for themselves or their families.
Argument 7: Beauty pageants actually contribute money to charities. So, when we hold a beauty pageant, we actually donate thousands of dollars to be people in need.
- There are better ways, such as participating in a Christmas charity.