Banned Books
1. People can write anything they want inside books, but some of those ideas are dangerous. Children especially should not be allowed to read such dangerous or violent ideas.
- First of all some of the books that are bad can change the way we look at and learn from others in different parts of the world, who have other religious beliefs and other ways of thinking. Our mind will be more opened to the world. Second, there are laws in some countries that can protect this kind of thing if they are reported.
- Yes, we can learn many things from books, but the focus is on dangerous material. For example, what is a child reads a book about killing or hurting other people? That child might learn bad things from the book, so we should ban it to make sure that no one reads it.
- I think it is the parents’ fault that they let their child read a book for adults. Also, most books that are for adults are so big and contain harsh words the child doesn’t even know.
2. Some books are banned because there is war depicted in it, or the president is a tyrant, or they contain some religious material that is unwelcome in the country.
- In some countries like China, the Bible is banned because the government doesn’t want people to believe in old stories. Rather, they want people to believe in the power of the current government so they can make more money and be more productive. Is there something wrong with that?
- What if your don’t want to follow the Chinese government, or you are a visitor and you are restricted from reading and following the religion everyday?
- Every country has its own culture, and the people chose to elect the current government. Therefore, the people should follow the laws, and ban books that go against those beliefs.
- This means the government is lead by a tyrant because the government or people shouldn’t interfere with our beliefs or tell us which is correct. For example if you are a Christian and went to China you would have to give up your religion and join the government.
3. Banning books is really just to help kids stay away from dangerous literature. If an adult really wants to read a banned book, they can just download it online. It isn’t meant to erase the book completely, but rather just keep it away from kids.
- Even if adults can download books in theory, many countries actually ban websites also. Therefore, it would be difficult for the adults to download the banned books.
- If it is very important for someone to download a banned book, and website is also banned, then they can use a VPN to circumvent the block and access the website.
4. Some people ban books for their own personal reasons. For example, Malala Yousefzai lived in a society where the Taliban banned books, and would burn down anyone’s house who had them.
- It is the society’s decision which laws they want to enact. For example, in Malala’s case, we would suggest that they move to another area where books aren’t banned.
- It is too much to ask for someone to abandon their home just because they don’t agree with the laws.