TV for Kids
1. Watching TV will damage reading skills and language development.
- There are some programs that are made specifically for education, like Sesame Street. These programs teach young kids to count and read.
- There are some educational programs, but the majority of kids’ TV shows are not educational. They are only meant for entertainment, and don’t really teach the kids any valuable lessons.
- Only excessive TV causes damage to other skills. If kids only watch an hour or two per day, they should still have plenty of time to study or learn from their parents.
- Many parents allow their kids to watch much more than an hour or two per day, and the more the kids watch, the more addicted they become.
2. Kids experience a huge variety of voices, faces, songs, and words when they watch TV. They see much more than what their parents can show them at home. So it is valuable for kids to see TV programs at a young age.
- First of all, most of the shows are animals talking and the child might believe that, and he might get confused when he sees animals in real life. Second of all, he will experience and observe new valuable things with his parents and in kindergarten.
- It isn’t dangerous for kids to see talking animals because it helps to grow their imagination. Kids can be inspired by talking animals, or fictional animals like dragons, or princes and princesses. All of these things help a child to become more imaginative or creative.
- First, the kid will sit on the couch watching the TV a lot and then his imagination and creativity will be killed. For example, he will witness many things on the TV, but not have the motivation to create anything using that imagination. He will just spend all his time consuming more on TV.
- If the kid is watching TV for too many hours, of course he won’t have any chance to use his creativity on other projects. So, it is up to parents to guide these young kids, under the age of 5 to make sure they have time to express themselves.
- I think that if parents limit it the child will be not focused at all, so the best solution is to remove the tv.
3. TV can cause health issues, such as eye strain or back issues from sitting too much. Like I pointed out it is the parent choice if they want their children to have issues or not.
- Like anything, including eating, if you do it too much you can cause health issues. The key is moderation. We must do all things in the right amount, not too much, and not too little.
- If the guardian limits TV time, the child will become anxious to watch more TV and not be focused on their other activities.
- This is a possibility, but if the parents don’t let the child get addicted to TV in the first place, the child won’t have difficulty concentrating.
4. Kids can learn from bad influences on TV, so they can start to use bad words or do bad behaviors.
- Parents should control which programs their kids are watching. They won’t learn bad words or behavior from Sesame Street, for example.
5. Kids don’t know the difference between reality and science fiction.
- Eventually kids have to learn difficult lessons like Santa and the Easter Bunny aren’t real. The kids will learn the
- Children cannot differentiate between fact and fiction under age 6.