How did the conflict between the Palestinians and the Zionists start?
The story began back in 1917, in this year a former prime minister and a foreign secretary of Britian named Arthur James Belfour made a horrible suggestion.

The suggestion was going to solve the British problem with the Jews, by transporting them to Palestine.
If you wonder how and why they chose this specific country, the answer may surprise you.
They discussed a lot about what the perfect land is for them, especially because they had to convince the Jews to move there. And more surprisingly, Palestine wasn’t on the A-list, it was on the B-List. However, the result of the discussion was Palestine. Also, the British weren’t occupying the land at that time, the Turkish were.
The British were transporting the Jews by shipping them on boats, then dropping them off at the shore of Palestine, and giving them weapons to enter the Palestinian homes. So, the Jews attacked the homes and escorted the families living in them out or killed them, and then started living in them. A huge group of Jews began living in these and occupying villages and cities, and the first village they occupied was called Petah Tikva.

Then, in 1948 after the Turkish occupation, the Jews occupied 14 cities, and officially created the country “Israel” on May 14th. The first president was David Ben-Gurion, and the Arabs symbolize this year as a catastrophe, and on the second day of the official opening of Israel, seven Arab militaries including Palestinian military groups united and attacked the Israelites, to remove all Jews from the country.
The Israeli government reacted by reenacting the story of David and Goliath, which states that a young weak boy named David, will one day fight a duel with Goliath, the great and strong man. David (Israel) won using his beliefs, to receive help and support from the British and neighboring countries. Also, the Israelis stated that they had urged the Palestinians to return to their land, but they refused. However, all these are lies or half-truths.

If you’re wondering what Zionists are, the answer is that this idea appeared in the 16th century between Christians in Britian. The idea is very simple, that is to go to Jerusalem to build the Solomon temple, as a prelude to the return of Jesus Christ. but the Jewish Zionism, is a little bit different. The idea is racist and says that all humans hate Jews, and they only hate them because they are not Jewish themselves. The solution for them was to establish one big country only for Jews. Also, there are a lot of meanings of the word Jew, but the Zionists’ definition is that they are only one pure race, from the start to the end of their lives, and Judaism is not a religion that wants to encourage people to join, it is more like an ethnicity.

There are many myths and folktales including the myth of only one nation, the myth of land without nation, the myth of independence from Britian, and the myth of only one democratic country in the Middle East.
The myth of only one nation, says that there is only one ethnicity, and one nation of Jews from the time the religion began, and that they had been discriminated against for about 2000 years. However, if we compare the Jews living in Arab countries and the Jews living in Europe, we can see that there is a huge difference. In Arab countries, the Jews were an important part of society and have jobs and schools and practice their ceremonies, unlike the Jews in Europe that were discriminated and living in poor communities called ghettos. Moreover, the government was taxing them a lot, because the Jews were starting to develop by working in the loan market, which angered Britain.
The myth of a land without a nation is one of the most popular Zionist Myths. There are two theories in it: the first theory is that Zionism is demanding the return of Zionists to the Holy Land of the Promised, and their dreams will come to life. However, they don’t know anything about that land and never visited it, all their sources about this land are from myths and books. The second meaning of it is that the intention of the Zionists is removing all the Palestinian from the land, because the percentage of the Jews after the immigration was less than three percent of Palestinians, which was under the Turkish rule. When Theodor Herzl’s idea of specifying a part of land for only Jews was denied by the Turkish emperor. The immigration continued. In 1907 created the Zionist Chaim Weizmann (an important person in the Zionist history and had zero knowledge of religion) a Land Development Company in Jaffa City, and the company’s goal was to buy land in Palestine. However according to the American professor Walter Lahen inside these farming communities, the farmers didn’t approve to give up their land because of money, since this land was their source of money and life. Especially when the land will be sold, all Arabs would be forced to leave the land and be replaced by Jewish workers.
The myth of the independence from Britian states that Britian is trying to stop the development of Israel. However, this is a lie and history prove that Britan is helping Israel. The idea of Zionism wouldn’t be accomplished without the help from Britian. Great Britian helped Zionists immigrate faster since the Jews were the minority of people in Palestine. The most important thing to Zionists is being the majority of people, because they wanted to feel safe from violence, and discrimination in Europe. Also, Britian had a motive of help the Zionists because it wanted the land. The land was in a great geographical location, and Britain feared that Germany will occupy Palestine, and then close the Suez Canal, which is an important transportation rout for Britain, to go to its colonies in India and import goods.