Leaders of Freedom
Many people, fought for the end of slavery. Fedrick Douglas and Sojourner Truth were two famous abolitionists. They both knew how horrible slavery is, since they were also slaves.
Sojourner Truth
A slave named Isabella was born in 1797 in New York. Shew worked for three different slave owners they were harsh to her. When she turned 13, her final owner bought her.
At that time, New York passed a law that gave freed to all slaves born before July 4 1799.Isabella was one of these but sadly she wasn’t granted her freedom until 1827. While she was waiting, she married and had five children. Shortley before she was going to be freed, she found out that her owners were trying to keep her as a slave. so, she ran away, leaving her husband and children.
Isabella found support from a group of Quakers, who enabled her to purchase her freedom. The she became religious and began preaching for the end of slavery. At that time she changes her name to Sojourner Truth. Her name means the journey for truth.
Fredrick Douglass
Fedrick Douglass worked as a house slave in his early live, and he was taught to read and write. When he was only eight his master died and Fredrick was sold. His new owner sent him to work in the fields, Fredrick did not let his education go to waste, he set up a Sunday school and taught there until angry white slave owners shut it down. In 1838, Fedrick ran away to New York and worked as a say laborer. He joined the Massechusetts Anti-Slavery Society and spoke about freedom. in 1845 Fedrick Douglass published his life story, but tthiwss put him in danger because he was still considered a runaway slave.