Where in the World Is Greece?

Greece is located on a peninsula that extends to the Mediterranean Sea. There are also many Greek islands that can be found nearby. Greece is a rocky land and difficult for farming.

The Greek cities developed into city-states and began to trade with earache other. Some of the major cities are Athens, Sparta, Thebes, and Corinth.

Athens was a seafaring city because of its location. It contained a port, which allowed Athens to trade. In Athens, the purpose of education is to train educators in the arts and prepare them for both war and peace.

In Athens, all boys had to learn a trade, but it was not required to go to school. All schools were private and required fees. Schools were only for boys, girls learned at home from their mothers.

Life in Sparta was hugely different. Sparta was a military state. Spartan boys began their military preparation and careers at the age of seven. Spartan girls also had to endure difficult physical exercises.