
When did religious ideas start?

They started since prehistoric times.

What is the proof that our ancestors had religion?

The proof is that they had precious items buried with their dead, so they believed in an afterlife.

Did you know that some religions believe in the afterlife but not all of them?

What do nearly all religions teach?

They teach belief in life after death.

Did you know that not all religions involve supernatural being such as gods or goddesses?

What was the first major religion based on a single god?

Judaism was the first major religion based on a single god.

When did the Judaism develop?

It developed in c.2000 BCE.

Among whom did Judaism develop?

It developed among the Hebrews.

Who are the Hebrews?

Hebrews are a group of seminomadic farmers and herders in Israel.

How did the Hebrews form the first bible?

They recorded laws laid down by god on scrolls forming the first bible.

When did Hinduism start?

It started in c.1500 BCE

Where did Hinduism start?

It started in Northwestern India.

What is the definition of Vedas?

Vedas are a collection of hymns and chants that form the oldest texts of Hinduism.

Did Hindus follow many gods and goddesses.

Yes, they followed many gods and goddesses.

What do Hindus believe in?

They believe in reincarnation.

What is reincarnation?

A person or animal in whom a particular soul is believed to have been reborn.

When did Zoroastrianism start?

It started between that 7th and the 6th century BCE.

Where did Zoroastrianism start?

It started in Persia (modern day Iran).

Who inspired Zoroastrianism?

A priest named Zarathustra had a series of visions that inspired Zoroastrianism .

What did Zarathustra teach?

He taught his followers that there is a single god and there is an eternal battle between good and evil.

When did Buddhism start?

It started in the 6th century BCE.

Where did Buddhism start?

It started in Eastern India.

Who is the Buddha?

Siddhartha Gautama is the Buddha.

Why did Siddhartha Gautam become the Buddha?

He became the Buddha when he renounced luxury and embarks on a journey to overcome human suffering.

When does Siddhartha’s journey end?

It ends when he reaches nirvana while meditating.

What is nirvana?

Being happy and gaining spiritual knowledge.

Who established Jainism?

A wandering holy man named Mahavira established Jainism.

When did Mahavira establish Jainism?

He established it in the 6th century BCE.

What is the belief of Jainism?

They believe in an endless cycle of reincarnation.

How would you describe the lives of the followers of Janism?

They don’t approve worldly pleasures they don’t lead non-violent lives  and they are vegetarian.

Did you know that Jainism has no god?

Did you know that they were vegetarian?

When did Confucianism develop?

It developed between the 5th and 6th century BCE.

What is Confucianism?

It is a way of life based on values such as kindness and respect for family.

Who developed Confucianism?

Confucius a Chinese scholar and philosopher developed it.

Did you know that Confucianism is compiled 5 books?

Did you know that Confucianism isn’t based on supernatural belief?

When did Daoism develop?

It developed c.4th century BCE.

Who developed Daoism?

Chinese philosopher Laozi developed it.

What is the name of the main book about Daoism?

The main book about Daoism is “Dao de jing”.

Do you know that the followers of Daoism believe that there is an invisible force running through the universe and controlling it?

What is the name of the invisible force?

It is called “The Dao”?

Did you know that the Daoism followers try to live in peace with this natural force and lead to unselfish lives?

When did Christianity develop?

It developed in the 1st century CE.

Where did Jesus live?

He lived in Judea.

Why did the Roman government execute Jesus?

They executed him because they thought he was a threat.

What did Jesus’s teachings emphasize?

They emphasize forgiveness, and peace. His teachings are the base of the religion of Christianity.

Do you know that Christianity will be the biggest religion in the world?

Who established Islam?

An Arab merchant whose name is Muhammad established it.

When did Islam develop?

It developed in the 7th century.

How did Mohammad establish the religion of Islam?

An angel appeared to him in series of visions, reciting the word of “God”. The angel’s commandments are recorded in Qur’an.

Who was the founder of Sikhism?

Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism.

When did Guru Nanak establish Sikhism?

He established it in 1499 after a mystical experience bathing in a river in Northwestern India.

How did Guru Nanak establish Sikhism?

He left Hinduism and began teaching a new faith that combines Hinduism and Islam.

What do Sikhs believe in?

They believe in a single god and reincarnation.

When did Baha’I develop?

It developed in 1853.

Who was the founder of Baha’I religion?

Mirza Husayn-Ali was the founder of Baha’i.

Where did Mirza Husayn-Ali establish Baha’i?

He established it in Iran.

How did Baha’I religion develop?

It developed when Mirza Husayn-Ali had a religious revelation that inspires lot of new ideas of religious writing that created the Baha’I scripture.

What do baha’is believe in?

They believe in all religions and the equality of all people, whatever their nationality or faith.

What is the state religion of Japan?

The state religion of Japan is Shinto.

When was Shinto established?

It was established in 1868.

What do Shinto followers worship?

They worship invisible spirits at shrines.

Why do Shinto followers worship invisible spirits at shrines?

They worship them because they believe that they will bring them good luck.

Where are the Shinto invisible spirits?

Shinto spirits are everywhere and shrines can be in natural features such as rocks, trees, or mountains.

Who established the Cao Dai religion?

Ngo Van Chieu a government official in Vietnam established it.

When was the Cao Dai  established?

It was established in 1926 after being contacted by a spirit during séance.

Did you know that Cao Dai combines aspects of Christianity and Buddhism?

What does Cao Dai promote?

It promotes peace, tolerance, and vegetarianism