Napolean wars

What are Napoleonic wars?

The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of major global conflicts pitting the French Empire and its allies, led by Napoleon I, against a fluctuating array of European powers formed into various coalitions.

Did you know that Napoleon was an Emperor?

Who announced the new French Empire in 1804?

Napoleon himself announced it.

Who won the Battle of Trafalgar?

Admiral lord nelson won the Battle of Trafalgar.

When did admiral lord nelson won the Battle of Trafalgar?

He won the war on October 21, 1805.

Who won the Battle of Austerlitz?

Napoleon won the battle.

When did Napoleon won the Battle of Austerlitz?

He won the war on December 2nd, 1805.

Did you know that the Battle of Austerlitz is one of the Napoleon’s greatest victories?

Did Napoleon take control of much of Europe?

Yes, he did take control of much of Europe.

Why did Napoleon launch a disastrous invasion on Russia?

He did that, so other countries declare war.

When did Napoleon launch a disastrous invasion on Russia?

He launched it in 1812.

How long was the Peninsular War?

It was 6 years long.

When did the Peninsular war end?

It ended in 1814.

when did the war of waterloo end?

It ended in 1815.

Who won in the Battle of Waterloo?

Napoleon won the battle.

How many Australians were killed?

350,220 Australians were killed.

What is the total death in the Napoleonic Wars?

4,000,000 total military and civilian dead or missing.

Where was the most damage?

It was mostly Europe.

When did Napoleon campaign in Egypt and Syria?

Napoleon campaigned in Egypt and Syria in 1798 to 1801.

When did Napoleon invade Egypt?

He invaded Egypt in 1793.

When did the Battle of the pyramids start?

It started in July 21, 1793.

Did you know that Napoleon determent to spend a night near the kings chamber?