What was the size of Hubble?
It’s size was about the size of a large school bus.
How did Hubble gather energy?
It gathered energy by two solar panels.
How many minutes did it take hubble to rotate for 90 degrees?
It tooked 15 minutes to rotate.
What did Hubble orbit?
It orbited Earth.
Did you know that Hubble has observed locations more than 13.4 billion years ago.
Did you know that Hubble has seen light existed in the universe 13.4 billion years ago.
How long did it take to build hubble?
It took almost twenty-years.
Did you know that we discovered a new blackhole?
Where is the blackhole?
It is in the center of our galaxy.
When did we discover the blackhole?
We discovered it on May 12 2022.
Which telescope discovered it?
Event Horizin Telescope discovered it.
Is the blackhole massive?
Yes, it is massive.
What is a black hole?
A black hole is a location in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing.
Can light things escape from blackholes?
No, it can’t.
When was the Hubble Telescope launch?
It was launched in 1990.
Did hubble send stunning photos?
Yes, it did.
Did you know that hubble is the most famous observatory ever flown?
Do you know that Hubble has taken the most detailed and far-reaching images of the universe ever produced?
Who was Hubble named after?
He was named after Edwin Hubble.
Who is Edwin hubble?
His an American astronomer who played a crucial role in establishing the field of extragalactic astronomy and is generally regarded as the leading observational cosmologist of the 20th century.
Did you know that the hubble mission was cancelled in 2003?
Why was the hubble mission caneclled?
It was cancelled be cause the crew that died in 2003.
Which crew died in 2003?
The space shuttle columbia crew died.