Should Children Pray in School?
1. Children should pray in school because it gives them a good example or ideas to follow. For example, praying for peace, safety, success, and happiness are all good things for kids to know.
- Prayer can lead to bullying. Non-praying kids could bully praying kids, and vice-versa.
- All kids should be encouraged to pray, then. The bullies will get inspiration from the prayers to be kind to other kids.
- I think it should be an option for all kids, and no one should be forced.
- Bullying is going to happen anyway. Prayer won’t increase bullying, since it is already happening every day in schools. If anything, prayer might reduce the bullying in schools.
- Schools have diverse groups of kids with different religions.
2. Schools have diverse groups of kids with different religions. This may cause kids with different religions to disagree and have fights.
- All kids would have the ability to pray in their own religion, or in a group together if they want. Many religions can work together, and share many of the same points.
- In some cases, there might be only 1 or 2 of a certain religion, and those kids would feel isolated.
- Rather than separating the kids for prayer, they can all pray together for basic, good things. Nothing specific like Christian or Muslim, but just praying for everyone to have a good day and study hard.