Sex Education in School

1. Learning about sexual education at home results in kids engaging in less risky activity.

  • We can’t guarantee that all kids will learn about sex education at home. If we teach it in school, we can guarantee that all kids get the necessary information.
  • I think it should be the parents’ choice how and when they will discuss it with their child.
  • In that case, many kids will end up doing risky behavior because their parents and schools never mention sexual education.
  • Schools could offer it still, but parents would have to sign their kids up for the optional course.

2. It creates a better relationship between children and their parents.

  • Many kids might be shy or uncomfortable to speak about this with their parents. Doing it at school with their friends might make the topic more comfortable.
  • Having these discussions at school might allow bullies to make fun of other kids, especially between students of different genders.
  • Instead of causing bullying, it will make the kids more mature and behave better. Talking about sex won’t be considered silly or bad, it will just be another subject at school. That makes it less funny or less of a reason to bully each other.
  • Bullies will find a reason to bully anyone at anytime. It doesn’t matter if you are skinny or fat, they will make fun of you either way.

3. Sex education is just human biology. We learn biology for plants and animals, so we may as well also learn for humans. There is no real difference.

  • This is slightly different because it is more personal than regular biology. The kids are learning about their own bodies, and it may be scary for them.
  • That is the whole point of teaching this at school! The kids will learn that it is nothing to be afraid of. It is just a normal thing, part of everyone’s life, and we are all in the same boat.
  • That depends on the teacher. You cannot guarantee that every teacher is going to present sex education in a normalized way. They might make it even more awkward for the kids.
  • Teachers should receive special training to make sure they they present the subject in a way that will make kids feel comfortable, and not embarrassed.

4. Boys and girls should be taught separately, because if they are taught together, they may get confused about the differences in their bodies. Also, they might be afraid to ask questions in front of their friends. It would be easier to just ask their parents at home, or at least separate the classes by gender.

  • By learning together, and learning to ask difficult questions in front of their friends, the kids will grow more mature. This will be an important class to help them feel comfortable around the other gender, and more comfortable about their own bodies.
  • It is easy to imagine that most kids would treat this class like a fun hour, and they wouldn’t take it seriously.
  • If kids misbehave in their class, then they should be kicked out, and the parents can be forced to teach the kids at home. That way, only the well-behaved kids will remain in the class.