Marie Corie
What did Mis. Corie determined about when she was young?
She was determined about science when she was young.
Did you know that at her time girls weren’t expected to become scientist?
What is her father’s job?
Her father’s job is a Biologist teacher.
Did you know that her father had a glass cabinet full of scientific instruments?
Why was she struggling?
She was struggling because back then men didn’t think that girls could be good students, and they tried to challenge her many times in her life.
Who believed in her when she was young?
Her dad, believed in her when she was young.
when did Marie curie’s mother die?
She died in the 1873.
Why did her mother die?
Her mother died from tuberculosis.
Did you know that her fist laboratory was run by her cousin?
When did she become a student at the Sorbonne?
She became a student at the Sorbonne when she was 23 years old.
She married Pierre.
When was she born?
She was born on November 7, 1867.
When did she win the Nobel Prize in chemistry?
She won it in the 1911.
What did she do research on?
She did research on uncontrolled radiation.
Where was she born?
She was born in Armin Tamany.
How did she die?
She died because of too much exposure to radiation her laboratory because she had no protection against the effects of radiation.
Did you know that she won the Nobel Prize twice.