Lucille Bell
when was Lucille Ball born?
She was born on August 6, 1911.
Where was Lucille Ball born?
She was born in James town in New York city.
Why did Lucille ball move to New York city?
She moved to New York city to attend Jhon Murray Anderson school for the dramatic arts.
When did Lucille Ball move to New York city to attend Jhon Murray Anderson school for the dramatic arts?
She moved to New York city in 1926.
When did Lucille Ball Married Desi Arnaz?
She married him on November 30, 1940.
When did Lucille Ball die?
She died in April 1989.
Did Lucille Ball always loved to laugh?
Yes, she loved to laugh.
Did you know that at the time it wasn’t proper to laugh and to be funny?
Did Lucille Ball always do the things that cam natural?
Yes, she always did the things that came naturally.
What did Lucille Ball want to be from the first time she stood on stage?
She wanted to be a performer for the rest of her life from the first time she stood on stage.
Did she give up on her dreams?
No, she did not give up on her dreams.
Did Lucille Ball grow up to be one of Hollywood’s stars?
Yes, she grows up to be on of Hollywood’s stars.
Did you know that the local grocer used to let Lucille Ball put on a show at his store and customers paid me with pennies and candy?
Did you know that Lucille bell had even more fun when her aunt used to let her work in her beauty salon?
When did Lucille went to live with Grandmother Peterson?
She moved to live with her when she was seven.
Why didn’t Grandma Peterson allow any mirrors in the house except for one in the bathroom?
She didn’t allow it because she thought they made her think too much of herself.
Did you know that to Grandmother Peterson, girls weren’t supposed to be bold, sassy, or silly?
When did Lucille Ball realized there was real power in making people laugh?
She realized that at the age of twelve.
What is the name of the first play Lucille played?
It was called Charley’s Aunt.
Why did people put Lucille Ball down?
The put her down because she was deferent than other people.