1. We should forgive people because it makes our own lives easier. If we do not forgive, we have to deal with the anger and stress in our minds. Forgiveness lets us forget about the bad things of the past.
- No, if you forgave in some situations you would be frightened if the person made that mistake again and hurt someone else. For example, if someone forgave a murderer and let him out of jail or juvie, he could come after you or after any other person, because most people don’t learn from their mistakes.
- If most people didn’t learn from their mistakes, the jails would have too many people inside. Also, not every mistake or bad deed results in jail or juvie. Some people just have arguments or less serious mistakes. For those cases, it is better just forgive the person.
- Should I forgive my mother (Elizabeth), for what she did to me, and how she made my girlfriend marry another man while I was in the navy? I didn’t even want to got to the navy and I don’t like hard work.
- Elizabeth is your mother. and you must be honorable and faithful to your mother. Even if you cannot marry the person you live, you have a responsibility to your family.
- His whole life his mother was controlling it, not only marriage but hobbies and college, too. She even moved him to another college because he was into theater!!!!! If someone is bad, or should forgive or keep an open mind? She is his mother, but she didn’t keep an open mind even when she was in her death bed. What do you expect him to do? Forgive, after his whole life was blown up because of his controlling mother?
- If you are a prince, you are part of the royal family, and you have serious responsibility to the family. You can’t always get everything you want. So, in this case, he needs to listen to his mother, and forgive her for taking away his girlfriend.
- Even if he is a prince, they should still be able to separate their personal and professional lives. He can still be loyal to his family, and also fulfill his dreams at the same time.
- Like coding, if you remove the most important aspect of the document, all of the other elements fall apart. If we lose the Royal Family, then everything beneath them, like the normal citizens, will be destabilized.
- The Royal Family doesn’t have much of an impact on anyone’s lives on a daily basis. Really only when things get serious like someone dying, or a new king, do we really think about them.