Communist vs Democratic

1. Democracies conduct free and fair elections.

  • If everyone can vote, it means that some people can cheat and vote twice, or some people don’t vote at all! This is no way to reflect the will of the people.
  • People can’t cheat in this system, and if some don’t vote it is their own problem that they don’t want to. Second, it is better to have the chance to vote than the government controlling its citizens like in communism.
  • In a dictatorship, people aren’t burdened with voting. The government will take care of all government-related business, so people can focus on working.
  • But the government can’t predict which candidate their citizens will like the most, and it should be the citizens’ choice because it is their home and country.

2. In a communist society, all people are equal. There is no difference between people due to race or gender or any other characteristic.

  • Democracy also treats people equally, so I don’t see what your problem is.
  • We both live in democracies in Egypt and Japan, and I don’t think that people are treated very equally in these countries. For example, poor people live difficult lives, and there is also some racism.
  • I understand this point, and I know someone who has been treated unfairly, so I think there is a problem in the government. However, in a real democracy they treat people equally.
  • Communism takes this even further. For example, everyone lives in the same type of house, earns the same income, and has the same limited rights. It is much fairer than a democracy can ever be, because people can make too many free choices in a democracy. If the government has more control, it can choose what kind of life its citizens will have.
  • I have an example that shows that communist governments cannot guarantee equality among citizens.

3. With global warming and other environmental problems, resources are getting scarcer. For example, we have less food, less fuel, and overall fewer resources to share. A communist dictatorship would distribute the resources evenly among all people. That way, the rich people don’t get to keep everything.

  • In Vietnam, there is still a divide between the rich and poor. For example, there are poor quality hospitals with old equipment, and there are new high-tech hospitals with highly trained staff.
  • In China, the government is very strict about rich people paying more tax. That is very good because it means poor people can pay less tax. So, China’s communist policy helps poor people save money.
  • China does not fit the description of a communist country, or a democratic country.
  • In communist dictatorial societies, everyone can have a job. There is no unemployment because the government creates jobs for everyone.