
What are the functions of claws?

Claws help many animals keep their balance and get a firm grip when they walk or run.

Did you know that sometimes animals use their claws as combs and to scratch when it itchy?

Marmots use its claws to do what?

Marmots use its claw to dig.

Cats use its claws to do what?

Cats use its claws to scratch.

Racoons use its claws to do what?

Racoons use its claw to climb.

Hermit crabs use its claws to do what?

Hermit crabs use it claw to walk and run.

White ibises use its claws to do what?

White ibises use its claws to hunt fish.

Animals that hunt use its claws to do what?

 Animals that hunt use its claws to hunt.

Animals that hunt use its claws as what?

Animals that hunt use its claws as weapons to catch the pray or scratch it.

Did you know that sometimes, hungry animals poke around dirt and soil, looking for scraps of food using their claws?

Wombats use its claws to do what?

They use their claws to dig burrows.

How long are the wombat’s burrows?

 They are hundred feet long!

Pandas use its claws to do what?

Pandas use its claws to climb trees.

Did you know that an angry animal or one that feels threatened raise its claws, which is on of its tools of defence?

Did you know that sometimes clever boxer crab wears a sea anemone on each claw like a par of boxing gloves?

Did you know that the soft-footed fox has hairs between its claws?

What type of birds do humans hunt for sports?

Humans hunt type of bird called game birds.

Do birds that live on both land and water have webbed feet?

Why do birds that live on both land and water have webbed feet?

They have webbed feet to help them swim.

Did you know that when cheetahs run, they don’t pull their claws completely back?

Did you know that large claws keep Siberian tiger from sinking in deep snow?

Did you know that alligators and crocodiles are webbed feet?

Did you know that penguins are webbed feet?