Child Athletes
1. Kids’ bodies are not as developed or strong as adults. They can injure themselves easily, and cause problems for their walking, moving, or other things.
- No, Kids are stronger than adults, and more flexible, for example at 50 or so. They will start having problems walking or have injuries, if they don’t exercise, and keep a healthy lifestyle.
- Adults have more likelihood of getting hurt, for example my grandma fell off the chair while cleaning the window and now her vertebrates has some problems, and what caused that is, that her other leg while moving didn’t held her until she put her other leg up, but a child if he fail it would cause this much of damage, the maximum damage is the he would get a scratch.
2. If you don’t learn sports and exercise at an early age, then you aren’t prepared for a healthy life as an adult. In fact, your body is in its peak condition while you are a teenager and young adult. Once you pass that age, it is difficult to gain the same level of fitness.
- Normal fitness is fine but forcing kids to practice gymnastics or swimming for many hours a day is damaging to them. We see kids with broken arms or legs, losing sleep, not eating well, and having a tough time because their whole life is focused on sports.
- The athletes that I am talking about are athletes that like the sport, and it is their hobby. Even on The Second Chance one of them liked gymnastics, and her mother was the one who is forcing her out of this career, but she refused, because she likes gymnastics.
3. Child athletes focus 100% on sports. But, sports is not a life long career. Sports careers only last until you are in your 20s. After that, you need to make money somehow. But, these kids aren’t prepared for that.
- Retired athletes can take different jobs that are related to the sport. For example, if a gymnast is too old or injured to play the sport, then she could become a coach or judge.
- I think those jobs are very limited. There aren’t many opportunities. Maybe the most famous athletes like Simone Biles can do this job. But, the people who aren’t famous won’t get this chance. They have to find a different job.
- Retired athletes don’t need to take the highest jobs as coaches or judges, but they can also do local jobs, like for their local sports teams.