Cave animals
- what is the meaning of the word ‘trogloxene’?
A trogloxene is an animal that spends part of its life in a cave but has to leave the cave to survive.
- How do trgloxenes use caves?
Trogloxenes use caves for hibernation, for shelter during bad storms, or as a bedroom to get some shut-eye.
- What is the meaning of the word ‘troglophile’?
A troglophile is an animal that can spend all its life in a cave or can live outside a cave.
- How many zones does a cave has?
A cave has three zones.
- What are the three zones of a cave?
The three zone are entrance zone, twilight zone, and dark zone.
- What is the synonym of troglophiles?
The synonym of troglophiles is cave lovers.
- Did you know a spider is a troglophiles?
- Why is the dark zone called the dark zone?
Because the dark zone is the deepest part of the cave and there is no light there.
- What is the word ‘troglobite’ means?
- The word troglobite means an animal that cannot survive outside a cave.
- What does the word ‘troglo’ means?
The word ‘troglo’ means cave.
- Did you know that troglo means cave in lattin?
- Why do the troglobites have no eyes.
Troglobites do not have eyes because the dark zone is dark, so eyes are useless.
- Did you know most of the troglobites animals have lost their colors?
- What are the senses that the animals use to make up for not being able to see?
The senses are smell, taste, and touch.
- Did you know that people who explore caves are called cavers?
- What if you found a cave what questions will you ask?
I will ask myself:
How large is that cave?
How did it form?
Do animals live in it?
Does the new cave have connections to other caves in the area?
- Did you know that the people that answer the questions are called speleologist (spee-lee-ah-luh-jists)?
- Did you know that speleologist comes from the Greek words for cave (spelaion)?
- How many types of caves?
There are four types of caves.
- How do the sea caves form?
The powerful ocean waves crave the sea cave.
- How does the carbonic acid form?
The carbonic acid form when you mix carbon dioxide with water.
- What will happen if you put a limestone in the carbonic acid?
The limestone will disappear!
- Does water change color when it becomes carbonic acid?
No, water does not change color when it becomes carbonic acid, but it can dissolve limestone.
- How does the sulfuric acid form?
The sulfuric acid form when you mix water with hydrogen sulfide.